FurwebsMarket: Online Shop Home

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We are a well established family business with a very unique twist. Our entire reason for creating this store - jam packed with an ever growing and changing collection of treasures is to fundraise on a continual basis for The Craft-E-Kittens while providing a fantastic level of service to our hugely supportive customers.

* ♥ ** ♥ * Happy New Year - 2025 is going to be great!* ♥ ** ♥ * 




Pop us a message here If you're:
• Thinking of donating to us - be it funds, goods to sell or anything else - we'd love to hear from you.
• Looking for a discount or to discuss buying in bulk for yoursel, parties, Schools or business.
• Browsing and Confused? Our site can be a little daunting on first glance
These tips should help though.
Find Delivery information HERE


Alby at the vets being put to sleep 4am 31st aug 2023 with KittyMumma and Johnny Alby was put to sleep in the very early hours of Thursday 31st August 2023.
Rest In Peace, my beautiful baby boy

At 12.15am Sunday 20th October 2024 our beautiful brave Tigey Willow passed away peacefully in her bed holding my hand. 

 Our hearts are heavy and souls are lonely without him beside us :( She only turned 5 in June.
The void she has left is unbearable


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Showing 1201 - 1300 of 4373 results

Didn't find anything that took your fancy? Please consider donating to our cause instead. It makes all the difference to our beautiful furbabies AND makes a lovely unique gift for animal lovers as you can write a lovely card telling your recipient that you have donated X amount on their behalf to our cause :-)