Thank you so much for considering to donate to our cause.
We are so very grateful for every order that we receive, so you can imagine how honoured we are when supporters decide that they would like to voluntarily donate additional / alternate funds to help our ongoing care of The Craft-E-Kittens and support our business.
Click HERE to find out how your donations really do help us.
Many ways you can donate or help to us...
The most commonly chosen methods of donation are represented below, with the relevent details included to help you donate smoothly and effortlessly.
We've been contacted in the past by people who have interesting and unique ways that they would like to fundraise for us or help our cause in other ways..
Please feel free to use the form at the base of the page to share an idea with us!

Donation methods you can utilise:
Paypal Donations (One time payment, it's not a subscription)
Send paypal donations to
Donate through buying
Purchase any items from any of our storefronts & websites (links found here) and it will benefit the cats!
Subscribe to our Patreon packages
Some supporters prefer to subscribe to send a certain amount of funds via Paypal donation automatically each month.. Click here to pick your package.
Send us a Cheque
Please write the cheque out to:
K Johnson
Post the cheque to:
The Craft-E-Kittens
Elgin House
8 Stallpits Road
Bank Transfer
Payee: K Johnson
Sort: 11-18-11
Account: 35872811
This method has a delay of up to 5 days before we are able to track the transfer and make use of the funds, however many prefer this method as it provides the cause with the full sum of the donation (we don't get charged fees!)
Donate Cash (@events)
You can donate in cash if you come and visit us at any of our community events listed on our events page. Either buying something from us or actually donating funds is wonderful for us.
- Drop a few coins in the Pink Collection Pot
- Gift the funds to a member of the Furwebs team in person - to pass on to Kitty

Send us your ideas for fundraising
If you have a fun or unique idea that you believe could help us gain much needed funds for the cats, pop us a note via the contact form below
We are always happy to hear from our supporters so please don't feel your idea will be seen as "outrageous" or ignored - we will consider almost anything!