Pumpkin - The Snuggler

Age : 7
Arrival: 23rd Dec 2012
Known as upon arrival: Patches <

How she got here: She was brought to us with Wolfie , by Bristol & Wales Cat Rescue
Why she is with us: She cannot fend for herself and care for her companion in the wild any longer.
Medical Issues: Heart Murmur and Digestional Disorder
Day to day attitude: Very Jumpy , Timid and Wary of sudden noise / movement - She stays in the house most days
Abilities: Very fast mover , Clumsy lander (doesnt quite know where to place her paws) but has Extra Sensitive Hearing.
Special Needs: She requires specific wet food (pate's) as she has difficulties eating firm foods other than Kibble.
Coat description: Fine furred , Slightly Silky , Medium Length and an interesting pattern.
Coat Colours: Orange , Black , Brown , White ,Peach
Breed Detail: Unknown - Suspect she is Calico [the B&W CR said she was a torty!?! no!]
Favourite Treat : Pieces of Cooked Sausage
Favourite Toys : String, Rattley Toys, Balls and Shiny objects
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